We are committed to finding the best solutions for your hearing needs.
Earn AIR MILES® Reward Miles™ with Maritime Hearing Solutions.
let’s have a face-to-face meeting and help you with your hearing journey
From understanding how well you hear simple sounds to testing how you hear simple words, we measure these to evaluate the health of your ears and help identify what treatments are recommended
We measure and test how each ear is different and how they work better together while ensuring your new technology works for you in your life. We also make inputs and adjustments for your comfort and clarity.
With custom adjustments to your device and counseling and training on how to wear and use your device you’ll learn how to properly manage and protect your hearing as you move forward.
Book Your Consultation
If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of hearing loss, or if you would like a second opinion on what your options are, contact us today to see how we can help.
Customized Treatment Plan
Everyone is unique. Some need to hear better at work, while others need help with social situations such as noisy restaurants. As different technologies help in different situations, it’s critical that we understand not only your level of hearing, but your lifestyle needs as well.
Hear Better Right Away
Powerful feelings such as stress and anxiety can have a deep effect on you and everyone around you.